Development of Levels social network

Sept. 13, 2017, 8:15 a.m.

Dear readers!

I'm glad to show you my new Levels project -

Levels is social network for athletes and people, who conduct active and healthy a way of life. Goals of project are create the platform, where people would can read interesting articles about health and motivation, find various dishes, draw up a plan of training and nutrition, and also talking to other people, that conduct correct a way of life too. In general, I want to inspire people to improve their life energy, thanks to the development of body and spirit, right nutrition, building of positive thoughts and so on. More details about the project can be read on the page Levels - social network for active people

Here, in technical section of blog I will describe some steps of network creation to inspire you, dear developers and / or businessmen, to create your project and not be afraid of the scale of projected system. A social network is, really, not some landing page. I hope my experience in creating web application help you solve your tasks. I in no case don't pretend to be perfect in my code, and I am would be very graceful if you, finding the unoptimized code in your opinion, tell me about it - I will gladly discuss the code and will be grateful for your help!

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Author of Article

Artem Maltsev

Web-developer, having the knowlenge of programming language - Python, framework - Django, content management system - Django CMS, platform of e-commerce site - Django Shop and many other applications, using this technologies.

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Comments: 2


03.02.2019 23:52 #

Как продвигается разработка социальной сети? :)


Артём Мальцев
Артём Мальцев author

05.02.2019 12:21 #

Пока немного в заморозке, так как работаю над источниками дохода. Где-то с 2021 года планирую основательно развивать проект


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